The Dead Man’s Giveaway

The Giveaway has concluded!

You can check out the post, here

Original Content:

It’s been 8 months since the Firelock community welcomed DMC into their midst, and readership and engagement has been steadily growing ever since. The blog has gotten to attend Adepticon with Firelock, has gotten early previews for ‘Raise the Black’, ‘End of Empires‘, and the upcoming ‘Blood & Crowns‘ – is a sponsor to the Summer of Plunder, and is running events at Historicon. We can’t do it without the support of this awesome community, so we’ve decided to give a little something back.

Okay, umm… a lot something

That’s a Lot of Stuff!

Yeah, it is. Over $400 worth. There’s something here for everyone – everything you need as a new player (except models) and some out-of-production and hard-to-find stuff for seasoned veterans.

  • All the rulebooks and expansions for B&P, incl. the Revised Core Book
  • All Unit & Character card sets, including the long-out-of-stock ‘Raise the Black’
  • The out of production Red & Black Marker Dice
  • Deluxe Template set
  • Kickstarter Deluxe Activation Deck
  • Out of production French D10 set
  • 3x metal Fortune Coins
  • Full set of ‘South Sea’ promo characters & cards
  • Full set of 2022 Summer of Plunder command cards, including ‘Miguel Tunez’, ‘Sir Duncan of Donut’ & ‘Joseph Moneto’
  • DMC Custom figure case from Fangorn Forge (the same style as the ‘Pirate Paint off’)
How to make everyone jealous in 1 shot.

How Do You Get Your Hooks On It?

The winner of the giveaway will be decided randomly from among all entries, drawn and announced at the close of the 2023 Summer of Plunder event (August 5th). And some of you are already entered!

Being Subscribed to DMC nets you 3 entries into the drawing. The Subscribe button is on the right side of every blog page – enter a valid email and click.
You can also earn additional entries by

  • 3 Entries: Subscribe to DMC blog with a valid email
  • +3 Entries: Like & Follow the DMC Facebook page
  • +1 Entry per game: Submit games during the Summer of Plunder (bonus if it’s for France!)

Note: you must be subscribed to the blog for additional entries to count!!

The pipes & pistols are mine, you’re not getting those. Plus, I don’t think the postal service would like that very much.

Obvious Questions

Q. What is the deadline for entries?
A. August 5th – the same deadline as this year’s Summer of Plunder.

Q. Can I enter from outside the US?
A. Yes – I have already gotten a quote for shipping within the US. I will cover $50 of any international shipping fees, but do request that international winners handle any additional cost. I know this is an imperfect solution, but because of the nature of the prize, we can’t do the common work-around of purchasing and shipping the prize from a local-to-you gamestore.

Q. What if I don’t play Blood & Plunder?
A. This is a great way to start! DMC covers all the Firelock titles though, so there will be future giveaways for the other titles. Subscribing to the blog will always get you entry, so you might as well try your luck now

4 thoughts on “The Dead Man’s Giveaway

  1. That is quite the haul! Now the real question is, can I be bought? I have been loyal to my faction this far. Is this enough to persuade me to jump ship and sail for France? 🇫🇷 I am a pirate 🏴‍☠️ so I do have questionable morals….


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