The Dead Man’s Giveaway is a Wrap!

The first big Dead Man’s Chest giveaway is a wrap! Entries were calculated, thrown onto a big spreadsheet, and the winner determined randomly. And that winner is (drumroll please)

Kyle Arpke!

Kyle hit all of the various entry methods – subscribing to the blog, following the facebook page, and submitting a bunch of games for the Summer of Plunder. The small bonus for playing games those games as France helped to net Kyle a few extra slips in the hat.

Kyle started playing ‘Blood & Plunder’ this year, and has a lot of enthusiasm for the game. Hopefully, this massive stack of loot will give him a leg-up on to launch his piratical career!

What’s Next

You can check out all of DMC’s ‘Summer of Plunder’ coverage here. With the SoP wrapped up, DMC is planning to hit several events in the region; Barrage in September, HMGS: Fall-In in November, and then “Cold Barrage” in 2024.

With the anticipated launch of the ‘Blood & Crowns‘ kickstarter, expect to see coverage of that amazing game ramping up over the next few months. Maybe even another giveaway??

As always, DMC will continue to cover the whole range of Firelock titles, and sharing any news we can get our bony little fingers on. Thanks for following along!

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