Summer of Plunder 2023: Week 3

This week was sort of hectic for the crew at DMC – something which I’ll get to later. I had a limited amount of time for gaming, and didn’t get to participate in my usual Thursday night game. Still, I can’t leave my camarades without at least one contribution – so I organized a match at home, against the father-in-law.

Although he is usually a French player himself, FIL graciously allowed me to side with the French cause while he ran some of my English models. I put together a dead-simple 150-point list: French Army, using a Seasoned French Commander in charge of 4 units of Compagnies Franches de la Marine – each being 6 men strong. Each unit was busted down from Socket Bayonets to Thrown Weapons.

My 2022 Commander Card, who is just a fancy take on the ‘Seasoned Commander’

The objective for Week 3 was to play games using either the Night or Caught Unawares rules.

For those who don’t know, the Night rule enforces the strictest parameters for Limited Visibility: units cannot target an enemy beyond 12 inches of range. There are certain exceptions to this – such as matchlocks or torches – which allow a unit to be seen from a greater distance.

Once again, my Canadian Militia take apart an enemy unit they’ve caught in the woods!

We played a quick Encounter game, just so that he could get the feel for how the Night rules would impact his strategy in the bigger game. Then, we reset the table and launched into the larger battle.

We decided that it would be thematic to do a variation of the ‘Raze’ scenario, with just 2 buildings on the table, and the Night rules in play. We decided that our “story” was a British militia company returning to their village after a long day of drills and patrols, and blunders into the lead of a French column marching into New England.

Both sides rush forward. The English have established a good fighting position inside one of the village buildings by Turn 2.
Signeur de Marigny leads from the front – charging in with Marines to destroy a unit of English Militia. In retaliation, the British Captain leads a unit of better equipped Provincials into the fray, and wipes out d’Marigny’s unit to a man. The French colonel is forced to retreat back to a nearby friendly unit.
Sensing a possible victory at hand, the British Captain directs the Provincials to open fire on the French right flank. Once again, d’Marigny is pinned down by accurate British fire.
The second building on the French left becomes a refuge. Rather than torch the building, the French determine to use it to outflank the British. One unit moves to occupy the building – catching a unit of Provincials in the open. It’s now a race to activate our Commanders, and the French win by a nose. d’Marigny rallies his men just enough to give orders, and issues his first & only Platoon Fire action to open up with all 3 remaining units. I lead with d’Marigny’s unit, allowing them to benefit from Expertly Drilled and force an additional Resolve Test on the Provincials. This triggers Ruthless from his Cold Blooded rule, and the other two units shred the remaining Provincials in a brutal crossfire.

The British Captain only has his Militia left to respond with, and pushes them into melee against my Frenchmen in the building. Luckily for me, the Frenchmen hold firm and take minimal casualties in the fighting.

The battle ended with 2/2 Strike Points. Me, with a Strike for casaulties and another for not torching any buildings by the end of Turn 6. For FIL, he had lost half his force almost exactly. If I had lost another man during the fighting in the building, I would have been at 3. When the dust settled, I squeaked a victory on “points removed,” which is what I had been counting on.

It was really the French Army shooting which carried the day. It’s not much better than typical French shooting (6+) but the combination of both Expertly Drilled and Cold Blooded with a good firing plan, ultimately allowed me to win on action economy. The units alternated between half firing with Expertly Drilled, and full-firing with Cold Blooded.

There might not be a battle report for Week 4. I’m currently writing this from vacation in the Outer Banks, NC. There’s a sliver of hope that I’ll make the drive down into the Bath/Beaufort area to play against the British leadership, Jayden. I’ve got my Bark Wars list with me! But there’s also a good chance that I’ll spend the entire time doing vacation-y things with the family.

I’m exhausted – I could use a vacation!

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