Paper Wings – Making Sails for B&P

No game of pirates is complete without ships, and no ship is complete without sails - and yet, Firelock does not include sails with any of their 'Blood & Plunder' offerings. There was a brief moment where it looked like the new 18th Century Sloop might come with sails made from plastic or Lego-style cotton … Continue reading Paper Wings – Making Sails for B&P

Assembling the 18th Century Sloop

No catchy title for this one, sorry. We've got a lot of ground to cover today. If you've cracked open the new 'Raise the Black' Kickstarter, you're probably a little bit disappointed by the instructions with the new Sloop. A single long sheet, it's a little bit like this: How to draw an Owl in … Continue reading Assembling the 18th Century Sloop

Houses of the Holy – Building a Spanish Church

Terrain is something that we take very seriously here at DMC. It's also something that we don't like to spend gobs of money on. Right now, that's more important than ever since if you're anything like us, you blew your hobby budget on the 'Raise the Black' kickstarter. So, what if it were possible to … Continue reading Houses of the Holy – Building a Spanish Church